Friday, December 07, 2007

Mikeitz 5631 Third Ma'amar

Chazal teach us that the best place to light Chanukah candles is outside the entrance of the house. We can surmise that this is the best place since the purpose of the mitzvah is to spread an awareness of the miracle of Chanukah. People passing by the house are sure to see the candles burning.

The Chidushei HaRim explains that there is also a deeper reason based upon a ma’amar of Rabba bar Rav Huna. Rabba bar Rav Huna said that a person who has learnt Torah but has no fear of Heaven is like a treasurer who has been given the keys to the inner sanctum but not to the outer gates. How will he get in? Without fear of Heaven, he has no access to his Torah. His Torah does not affect him.

The Chidushei HaRim explains that lighting the Chanukah candles at the entrance to the house can be likened to one who has been given the keys to the outer gates. Control over the gates not only gives access to that which is inside, it also protects that which is inside from outside influences – the materialism of this world. Fear of Heaven, represented by the keys to the outer gates, and by extension by the Chanukah lights, not only enables a person’s Torah to affect him; it also affords protection against being drawn after the materialism of this world. For this reason Chazal established the entrance of the home as the best place for lighting the candles.

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